It represents the sequence of events that takes place as an instruction is read from memory and executed.
A simple instruction cycle consists of the following
1. Fetching the
instruction from the memory.
2. Decoding the
instruction for operation.
3. Executing the instruction.
4. Storing in memory.
In above steps, step 1 and 2 instructions are same and known as
fetch cycle and step 3 and 4 instructions are different and known as execute
Instructions Format
Computer understands instructions only in terms of 0’s and 1’s,
which is called the machine language. A computer program is a set
of instructions that describes the steps to be performed for carrying out a
computational task. The processor must have two inputs; instructions and data.
The instructions tell the processor what actions are neeed to be
performed on the data. An instruction is further divided into two parts;
operation (op-code) and operand.
The op-code represents action that the
processor must execute and operand defines the parameters of the action and
depends on the operation.